About us

Who we are

In Insodia we believe that the most important thing in our work is to know our customers and the projects they have in hand as well as it is important  that our customers know us in the same way to establish a relationship based on trust.

Insodia is a company formed by professionals from different sectors such as development or programming, design, systems, advertising, communication… Todos ellos con experiencia en su sector y también en diferentes empresas que nos ayudan a trabajar cada vez más y mejor, mejorando tanto los tiempos de entrega como los resultados conseguidos con nuestro trabajo.

Although the company was founded in 2019, the beginnings were actually in 2011, with the development of applications for mobile devices. After several years working alone and making contact with different areas applicable to development such as design or marketing, a network of contacts with different experts in different fields is formed.

Insodia was born as a response to the need to group all the services  needed to develop and launch online projects, as well as the knowledge offered by different professionals, in order to help our customers in a fast and effective way.

What makes us different?

There is no doubt that there is a lot of competition on the Internet, and just as we help our clients to differentiate themselves from the competition, we also want to differentiate ourselves from the rest.

This goes beyond marketing and extends to all areas of the company.

When we launch a project we make sure to review each and every one of the critical points of the project to avoid possible problems, surprises… No project can be launched in a hurry, as this would lead to a bad relationship with our clients. We want to be proud of each and every project we undertake.

To achieve this we need a motivated team, and that is why we strive to implement remote work, family reconciliation and a good team atmosphere. Why should we get up early and work even with sleep and a cup of coffee if we are more productive at home at night while taking care of the children? This is something that we at Insodia take very seriously and that we we give our employees the freedom to work where and when they want to work and thus be able to bring out the best in themselves.

Want to know more about us? Here are some links so you can get to know us better.